vineri, 18 iunie 2010

Inger pentru schimb / Angel for change

Zilele acestea...zic zi, dar era mai mult dupa 10 noaptea, am mai facut o papusica, mai mult ca sa ma relaxez. Am intrat in contact cu oameni carora le place arta si frumosul in general. Oameni care pun pret nu pe cat de bine sau nu arata un produs ci pe cat de bine te distrezi facandu-l. Si, mai ales, ca il arati si prietenilor. Asa am aflat de un blog (sunt multe astfel, dar nu cred ca ma tin nervi si nici nu am timp pentru asta) unde se face un fel de concurs. Challenge ii zice. Si este aici :

O doamna a zis ca ar fi bine sa pregatesti inca de pe acum decoratiuni pentru Craciun sau Anul Nou. Si pana la urma, de ce nu?!! In fond, nu ne tine nimic si nici nu ne obliga cineva sa facem decoratiuni pentru anotimpul acesta doar in decembrie. Am acceptat propunerea unei amice de a participa si eu la acest concurs. Aici este ce am facut rapid, la ceas tarziu in noapte, dupa cum spuneam. Ca e urat, ca e frumos...mie imi place. In fond, nu produc pentru firme de renume ci doar pentru mine si ai mei.

Iaca ingerul meu. Corpul este realizat din panza, rochita din satin creponat si fundite de satin, parul din lana, aripi din fulgi (nu stiu ce tip de fulgi sunt...adica de la ce) si este pictat de mai multe etape...sau sa zic zile? Cand am avut si eu timp, d'aia.

These days ... I say day, but was more after 10 at night, I made a dolly, so I relax more. I came into contact with people who like art and beauty in general. People who put no price on how good or not the product looks as good fun making it. And especially if you show to the friends. So I found a blog (there are many such, but I do not think my nerves and I did not keep time for this) which is a kind of contest. Challenge them say. And it is here:

A lady said she would still be better to prepare now for Christmas or New Year decorations. And eventually, why not! In fact, we do not keep anything, nor do we compel someone decorations for this season only in December. I accepted the proposal of a buddy and I to participate in this contest. Here is what we've done quickly, to watch late at night, as I said. Ugly or not... I like. In fact, i'm not producing for well known companies but for me and my family.

Here is my angel. The body is made of canvas, satin dress dusk and satin ribbons, wool hair, wings flakes (do not know what kind of flakes are ... that is what) and is painted by hand in more .... stage ... or better say in days? When I had my time, so.

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